Frozen Bull Semen Available We are very excited to introduce you to the newest member of our miniature Jersey bull herd, Miracle Jesse.  Jesse is a beautiful little bull with emphasis on “little”  At nearly 2 years of age, Jesse stands only 40″ tall...
2021 Announcements

2021 Announcements

female sexed semen will be available We are thrilled to announce that female sexed semen will be available on White Star Farm Primo again beginning in mid-February 2021 for only $150 per straw.  As many of you are aware, we ran out of semen on this outstanding Mini...


We are announcing our 2019 fall bull semen sale.  Regular semen $35 per straw and female sexed semen $100 per straw!  You can’t get more quality for less than that anywhere! Semen is available on 3 fine Miniature Jersey bulls:  White Star Farm Primo, South House...
WSF Primo Frozen Semen Available

WSF Primo Frozen Semen Available

We are thrilled to announce that frozen semen, both regular and female sexed, is finally available on our outstanding new Miniature Jersey bull, WSF Primo.  Primo is maturing into the excellent herd sire that we hoped he would be.  He is beautifully light in color,...


We are thrilled to announce the addition of White Star Farm Primo to our herd of Miniature Jersey cattle.  Primo is an outstanding mini Jersey bull from the excellent breeding program of Deb Ridings and we look forward to adding his genetics to our breeding program. ...

Goodbye Summer 2018!

It is Labor Day weekend 2018, and I can’t tell you how happy I am to see the end of a very hot and dry summer.  Spring in northeast Texas was rainy and cool but all too short as the hot weather hit early and suddenly.  If you have been experiencing a hot summer as we...

How Fat is Too Fat

When I look out on my little herd, I see sleek, fat, and happy cows munching the late summer grass that is growing like crazy this year due to all the rain we’ve had over the summer.  Usually rain doesn’t grace our property at all during July and August, and by early...

First Mini Jersey Calf of 2017!

What a wonderful surprise we found at feeding time early Saturday morning, January 14th.  Spice had been milking up for about 3 weeks, but still we weren’t convinced she was ready to have her calf so soon.  Usually when a cow is within a couple of days of calving, we...

Mini Jersey Bulls – Naughty or Nice

People are always asking me if Miniature Jersey bulls are mean or aggressive.  It’s common knowledge that Jersey bulls have a bad reputation, but we have not seen this in our bulls – quite the contrary.  Bull calves are very playful, but they can also be...

Spring Grooming for Your Mini Jersey

Spring has arrived at Mini Miracles Farm.  The grass is growing, the cows are getting fat, and the calves are terrorizing their pasture with tails curled over their backs and feet flying.  Who doesn’t love spring?!? In the mini Jersey world, it is also time for spring...