It’s the last day of the year and winter has finally set in. Winter here in our part of Texas is not cold as it is in the north, nevertheless it’s cold for miniature Jersey calves anytime the temperatures drop below the 50 degree mark. This year since we have a couple of bottle babies, we’ve had to take a little extra care to keep them warm. We began with calf coats when the weather dipped into the 30’s, but ended up placing a heat lamp in their stall as the temps continued to fall. They quickly figured out where the warmth was and we’ll usually find them there if they’re not out romping in their paddock. It’s important to keep your mini Jersey calves warm enough to ward off stress diseases and allow them to grow properly.
Also, as we enter a new year, we at Mini Miracles Farm would like to thank all of our customers for your support and kindness. It is such a wonderful feeling to deliver our little bulls and heifers to homes where they will be cared for and become an integral part of the family. Much effort goes into caring for and training our mini Jersey calves, and it gives us great pleasure to see the joy in the faces of our customers as they handle their new mini Jersey, often for the very first time.
We wish all of you a very happy new year!